Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Teaching Writing

Writing is not my strength and I have been working on improving my practice. My planning has changed as I am trying to implement ideas that I learnt during my ALL Teacher Action Inquiry last year. This year the teaching is all about the purpose - the WHY?
I have been using the Writing Learning goals to shape my lessons and what I have seen in the children's independent writing books. I have also used next learning steps when I mark and use peer evaluation in response to the Literacy Progressions of children shaping their writing in response to feedback. I found this most helpful in developing Student Agency.
As a Team Leader I have had the opportunity to observe the teachers in my team although this has been to improve their practic,e I have found the discussion with My DP most informative and has made me reflect on my own practice.
So when I was send an email this morning to ask if The DP and another teacher could observe me to show her how to complete an observation I was quite looking forward to being able to reflect from the "inside out" as apposed the looking in from the "Outside".

Here is my observation notes -

What was seen:  
Description of lesson:
  • Writing lesson includes rotations (guided, follow up, independent writing, computers)
  • Use of ALL strategies evident (purple pen in guided etc)
  • Students all engaged in learning tasks which manages behaviour in class
  • Context of guided writing connected to Science unit - water cycle
Guided teaching
  • Use of IWB for WALT and co-constructed SC. WALT - write an introductory paragraph using clear and specific language/vocab
  • Teacher selecting a range of students for ideas and explaining.
  • Used resources for assisting constructing SC.
  • IWB used before students write. This allowed oral dialogue.
  • Shared construction for a starter (hook). Teacher then revisited the SC with the group for collaborative peer assessment.
  • Computer students were writing a letter. They are aware of the process but not necessarily following it through (e.g. planning)
  • Some students using Writing Fun to publish their explanation. Not sure of visual language features being used.
  • Independent writing allows for free choice of writing but with a skill focus
  • Teacher roved at appropriate times for assisting other students
  • Teacher built on students current level by being positive about students
  • Feedback/feedforward frequent in independent writing books.
  • Routines well established for student agency - resources available for student success
  • Students worked in guided circle, at desks, on mat (less engagement from one boy), and at computers

Student Voice:
What are you learning?
Student - In my independent or guided? We are looking at using specific language in an organised way.
Student - So the reader can understand what a water cycle is and how it works
How successful were you with your learning?
Student - pretty good as I have organised my idea using specific language. I could change my full stops to create complex sentences. The plan was good to organise my ideas. I would use it again to write about how things happen.
What does your teacher do to support you with your learning?
Student - She provides a focus for our learning and gives us ideas and planning templates. She gives ideas when she teaches or marks my book.
Is there anything else your teacher could be doing to further support you?
Student - Nothing really because she explains things in a way that I understand.

My Strengths

  • Learning is engaging and provides a great climate of learning
  • Good use of technology for teacher and students
  • Positive learning routines that encourages student agency supported by students appropriate resources
  • The use of student voice in the guided session promoted positive learning and ownership. This was also used formatively by the teacher. This allowed the teacher to provide appropriate scaffolds for student thinking and contribution to the writing lesson.

So where to next
  • How can clarity be built for all students where all students are connecting between  strategies from guided learning to applying them in independent activities. (Most students showed strong connections but there were a couple of students that lacked depth of application due to not using the strategies that have been developed)

  • How do you differentiate learning for all of your students in Writing and track the achievement of this learning?

  • How will you go about sharing the positive practice in teaching Writing across your team?