This year as part of the Appraisal process at our school, we use the Interlead Appraisal System. As teachers we are required to self review our Teaching Practice and then our Team Leader appraises us within the same time deadline. Being a Team leader, my principal appraises me.
I was very honest in my self review - this is difficult as there were questions that I found that I was in the middle for some (between the questions). I found the whole activity very daunting in March (first self review) and in September much easier - probably due to our classroom observations in August and my increased confidence from my feed back sessions with my observer. As an experienced teacher, I had not had my teaching practice formally observed for quite a while.
There are areas I need to work on and I will use these as guidelines to develop my teaching practice. So here are the areas -
Instructional Practice & Formative Assessment
Truth to be Honest with Others & Self
I was very honest in my self review - this is difficult as there were questions that I found that I was in the middle for some (between the questions). I found the whole activity very daunting in March (first self review) and in September much easier - probably due to our classroom observations in August and my increased confidence from my feed back sessions with my observer. As an experienced teacher, I had not had my teaching practice formally observed for quite a while.
There are areas I need to work on and I will use these as guidelines to develop my teaching practice. So here are the areas -
Instructional Practice & Formative Assessment
- Lessons demand students be cognitively and intellectually engaged.
- Provides succinct accurate answers to students’ questions
- Lessons have clear structure – a definitive beginning, middle and end.
- Uses assessment data to create a learning dominated classroom where the purpose of assessment is to improve the quality of teaching and learning rather than to assess and provide grades
- Students are enabled to develop as independent learners able to accurately evaluate their own learning needs.
- By carefully listening to students, is able to catch their meaning and provide enriching unplanned learning experiences through learning conversations.
- Engages in experimentation and innovation in order to create new and improved possibilities.
Truth to be Honest with Others & Self
- Contributes to shared understandings by voicing thoughts, even when these are potentially embarrassing or threatening to others.
- Demonstrates commitment to continual improvement by gathering evidence to substantiate contributions to raising standards and growing teaching practice.